martes, 21 de abril de 2009


Today I’d like to recommend a very useful web site I found and I visit frequently. It is called U-cursos (, and consists on a tool specially designed for students and teachers. It includes a lot of information about different topics where you are allowed to add texts, programs and commentaries. We can also use this page to contact students and teachers who can publish information, papers, home works and even grades in the case of teachers.

U-cursos is a web site used only by some students from the Universidad de Chile so it is not available to all the people. This program comes from Infotech Are (ADI in Spanish), that tries to keep a fluent on-line communication among Universities and some colleges.

1 comentario:

  1. I like the same website, it's very useful is truth but anytimes the teachers are very deppendant of u-cursos.. I hate it...


