martes, 23 de junio de 2009

The Last One...

Hi!...I think that this is the last post this semester...

The blogs was a good experience for learn and practice English and develop some important things, especially the grammar and the consistency of our expression. The blogs help to the English class to be more dynamic and it is a more direct means for the communication between the teacher and the students, facilitating the corrections for the grammar mistakes.

Personally, I’m would say that I learn and remember some things that is easier to forget. The class is more attractive for the student, because we use a daily tool for us. Also, the class is like a process, were we going to developing instructions that we can found on line, and that is a valued added, because if we don’t see the class we can do the activities from our home; but, in the end this could be a disadvantage because it important check with the teachers help our text and try to expand the vocabulary and revise the mistakes.

Obviously, this work help us to improve our English level, but I think that this work must to be coordinated with the work in the lab, were we must to practice, especially with conversations and talking about difference topics.
The advantages in the blogs work are a lot: practice the grammar, used the links for the quiz on line, we used some topics related with our career for the post and this help for develop a vocabulary more specific in our area. In the disadvantages, I can said that sometimes we must to write whit a minimum number of words, and that could be limiting. Also I could say that sometimes we have many activities in the class and we don’t finish in class and we must to work after and possible we don’t correct our mistakes.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

My Ideal Job

My ideal job?...I didn’t think about whish would be an ideal job for me. Today I think that I would like to work in a public service, but I don’t have a preference.* Well*, of course, I have a preference: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a great option to work for me, especially because I like so much the foreign policy. This organization is responsible for coordinating the activities of other ministries and public organizations in those areas that affect foreign policy.
Other activity that depended of this ministry is the Diplomatic Academy that is a “school” where some people prepares for work abroad, in the embassies, consulates and other official missions. That functions help to Chile to have a high level of appreciation and the gateway for have better business and increase the exchange of goods and services.
The main qualities for work here is the ability for the international politic science, the foreign policy and a high knowledge about how other countries keep international relations. Also, is necessary know about the international organizations and who the countries have cooperation for global problems, like de economical politics for equilibrate the economic growth or construct solutions for the climate change.

martes, 9 de junio de 2009

When I have time, surf the Internet looking for sites to meet new interactive art and other trends. However, a site that I love is the MoMa and the works can be found there, I love this. *This painting is called* Bathers Throwing Reeds, *by* the German painter Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. The painting shows four nude in this simple green landscape, seemingly unaware of what you see, enjoy an unspoilt environment, and to play and walk on water, demonstrating the community of spirituality, freedom and creativity, they are given to what life can give at this time.

Among the aspects that I like to paint are the colors used, I love orange and I think we can express a sense of enjoyment, in this case, the nature and to be together. Moreover, the environment may be perceived or what is transmitting joviality, joy and disinhibition, as none of them have any clothes.

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009


Education is an extremely important factor, in my opinion, for the development of any society. It is a way forward and develops various expressions of the human being channeled toward the common good. Moreover, education is a way to express the human intelligence and bring it to a higher level than we have come.
According to the above, we may note that the traditional education we are able to inhibit the ability to innovate because they are usually performed by a hierarchy of items that are ordered according to current plans do not generally not developed in parallel technological development. You must be a function of education to motivate the innovation and talent of children and not try to alibi; they should be present to cross over all the periods of education.

Examples of systems that have tried to implement alternatives was the Marshall School, founded in 1961 that promoted an educational system created by Professor Mary Marshall, whose main purpose was the expression of their students and education based on confidence in capabilities of each.